Important relationships

Long form is all about relationships that can break between characters that care about that.

Frank Smallegange on 14th February 2015, Utrecht (NL)

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Musician as a partner

Actors never just leave the stage when their input is not being accepted, so why do musicians sometimes have to?

Sarah Michaelson on 2nd July 2015, Milan (IT)

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On failures and mistakes

Failures and mistakes are great fun, but they should not be your only option.

Tim Orr on 18th May 2013, Antwerp (BE)

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On solo scenes

The secret lies in the surprise.

Rod Ben Zeev on 8th November 2014, Barcelona (ES)

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Play it, don't say it

Play it, don't say it!

Nelleke Zitman on 22nd February 2014, Amsterdam (NL)

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